Hazardous Waste Disposal, collection, recycling, treatment, recovery and assessment
Oates Environmental Ltd. have been carefully, securely and compliantly dealing with industrial/commercial Hazardous waste and Non-Hazardous wastes for over 25 years.
Dangerous Substances
Hazardous waste can potentially contain dangerous substances and properties such as corrosives, flammables, oxidisers, toxics, carcinogenic or ecotoxic. Because of these they can pose a risk to health for humans and the environment therefore owing to these risks they must be handled in a secure and controlled manner. Safe and compliant waste disposal in Leeds and the North.
Help and Advice
We are always on hand to help and advice you on the most cost-effective and compliant solutions for dealing with your hard to handle Hazardous Waste disposal in Leeds and the North.
Why Hazardous Waste Disposal?
You have a legal responsibility as a Producer or Holder of Hazardous waste to ensure that if you produce, store, transport and or dispose of a controlled waste you do so without harming the environment. This is called your ‘Duty of Care’. It describes how to segregate and store your waste safely, who can deal with your waste, and the records you must keep.

What Is Hazardous Waste?
There are many things that can be classed as hazardous waste from things that pose harm to humans and the environment, here’s some examples:
- Paints and Solvents
- Pesticides
- Medical Waste
- Asbestos
- Mercure-containing Equipment
- Industrial Sludge
- Chemical Cleaners
All these and more can be seen as hazardous and it’s your responsibility as a producer or holder of these wastes to ensure that you produce, store, transport and or dispose of waste that you do so without harming the environment.
Why Choose Us?
While dealing with hazardous waste can seem like a tall task having experts and professionals can really help manage and dispose of your waste responsibly.
Commitment to Sustainability:
Here at Oates Environmental, we have a strict commitment to preventing any waste from landfills in order to help our planet and not only reduce the risk of hurting people but animals as well.
Founded as a limited company in 2000 Oates Environmental has been dealing with hazardous waste for around 24 years now and continues to bring knowledge and expertise to handling waste in an attempt to help make the world a cleaner place.